We’ve successfully resolved thousands of tickets since 2007. That includes representation for drivers in Georgia and from out of state. There are certain common questions that come up frequently regarding what to do after receiving a traffic or speeding ticket in Georgia. The list below should help offer some guidance if you have received a traffic ticket in Georgia.
Did I Have to Sign the Ticket?
Yes, in Georgia, you must sign the ticket to acknowledge receipt. Signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt, but merely a confirmation that you have received it.
What are the costs of Georgia Traffic Tickets?
In Georgia, the fine for of speeding ticket varies depending on several factors. These factors can include where in Georgia you received the ticket, how much over the speed limit you were driving, and whether it’s a first-time offense or a subsequent violation. Generally, the fines for speeding in Georgia can range from around $50 to over $1,000 for higher speeds. Fines for other traffic violations are found in the chart below.
Traffic Violation | Estimated Fine | Points Against License (Ga) |
Speeding* *Super speeder from Ga DDS can add $200! | $25 – $1000 | 2 – 6 points |
Reckless Driving | $500 – $1,000 | 4 points |
Red Light(failure to obey traffic control device) | $150 – $300 | 3 points |
Failure to Yield | $150 – $300 | 3 points |
Stop Sign Violation | $100 – $350 | 3 points |
Following Too Closely | $100 – $250 | 3 points |
Failure to Stop | $150 – $300 | 3 points |
Driving without a License | $750 – $1,500 | 4 points |
Texting While Driving | $100 – $300 | 1 point |
Failure to Use Turn Signal | $100 – $200 | 3 points |
Driving on Suspended License | $500 – $2500 | 4 points(poss. jail time) |
Are there other costs in addition to fines for Georgia traffic tickets?
Speeding tickets can also carry additional administrative fees and surcharges, including court costs. These can range anywhere from 10% to 40% of the fine payment for the ticket.
Will I Have To Appear In Court For My Ticket?
If you hire our firm, an experienced Georgia traffic lawyer will appear on your behalf in court for a Georgia traffic ticket, speeding ticket or moving violation, whenever possible. If you are under 21 years of age, a judge may request that you appear. This is especially true if this is not your first offense. There are hundreds of municipal and county courts across the state of Georgia. each one may have different requirements. A court appearance may depend on whether you are a Ga resident, live in a different state, or have a history of traffic offenses.
If I Do Not Pay The Ticket Or Appear In Court What Will Happen?
Georgia takes this very seriously. Neglect to pay your ticket, or miss court and a Failure to Appear (FTA) or Bench Warrant may be issued.. Every moving traffic violation in Georgia is considered a criminal misdemeanor, so it’s wise not to just ignore the ticket in hopes that the court will forget about it. An FTA charge will eventually cause your driver’s license in Georgia to be suspended. If you have a license in a different state and the Georgia DDS reports back to your state, your out of state driver’s license can be suspended due to that FTA in Georgia.
Living too far away from the court could be a valid excuse for not appearing. This should be confirmed with the court before your scheduled court date. If you were jailed for your offense it is more likely you will have to be in court. The more serious the charge the greater your chances of a mandatory appearance. In certain courts if you are a Georgia resident, a judge may request that you appear.
I Don’t Live In Georgia, Will My State Find Out About A Georgia Traffic Ticket?
Most states will report traffic violations to other states, or have reciprocity, sharing of information about traffic tickets. If, for example, you live in California and receive a ticket in Georgia and decide to do nothing about paying the ticket, or appearing in court as per the instructions on the ticket, eventually your driver’s license will be suspended. This applies to the majority of states. If you get a ticket in Georgia and want to know for certain whether this will be reported to your state please contact the DMV in your state. Find additional information about tickets for out of state driver’s.
How Much Does a Traffic Lawyer Cost in Georgia?
Multiple aspects influence the cost of a traffic lawyer. Our firm offers a baseline legal fee of $199. Factors that influence the traffic lawyer cost in Georgia include the type of offense or citation, your driving history, and the specific court designated for your appearance. Whatever fee we request, we expend the maximum effort required to achieve the most favorable outcome for your case.
You may find legal services that handle cases in multiple states offering cheaper fees for representation. No firm can 100% guarantee each and every outcome, regardless of the fee charged. Our Georgia licensed attorneys have extensive knowledge of the courts and system in the State of Georgia, exclusively.
What Happens If I Plead NOLO For A Traffic Ticket?
Pleading Nolo Contendere or “no contest” means you are pleading neither guilt nor innocence to the charge. This defense can be used once every 5 years and no more. Should a NOLO plea be made in court, the best result is that the points will be removed, however, the violation itself will still be reported to the Georgia Department of Driver Services and will show up on your record if you plead NOLO. Georgia Traffic Lawyer Scott Fortas and his team work to get the charge and the points reduced thus resulting in a resolution that could be better than a straight NOLO plea for most traffic tickets.
I Have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), Is Fighting A Ticket Advisable?
Hiring a traffic attorney to fight a CDL violation in GA is advised due to the importance of having a clean driving record for potential employment opportunities if you have a commercial driver’s license. You only have one driving record, we fight to reduce the violation and the points associated with a ticket, whether it’s speeding, improper lane change, failure to maintain lane, following too closely, or load violations. Georgia’s court system is particularly tough on commercial drivers which is why an attorney consultation in and of itself can help a driver with available options. Georgia Traffic Lawyers have successfully resolved Georgia CDL violations and tickets for drivers from across the country.
If The Officer Doesn’t Show Up In Court Will My Ticket Be Dismissed?
Many drivers think that if the officer is a no- show on their court date, the ticket will be dismissed. This is not necessarily true! The resolution for your ticket will be up to the judge and the solicitor in court. Thus, it is not based solely on whether or not the officer is there. Why would you take a chance when your driving history and points are at risk? Automatic ticket dismissals really are not the norm in most of Georgia’s traffic courts across the state.
I Was Speeding For a Good Reason. Can My Georgia Speeding Ticket Just Get Dismissed or Thrown Out?
We’ve seen drivers ticketed in Georgia for speeding for many reasons, some unfair. Some of these include:
- Speeding to get to the hospital,
- Speeding due to a serious health issue,
- Speeding home for an emergency family situation after finding out bad news,
- While under emotional duress and many more “good” reasons.
If the officer is unkind enough to issue a speeding ticket after you advise of your urgent situation, assume that your side of the story about the ticket can be presented in court. It’s at the traffic court judge and solicitor’s discretion whether or not the offense will be reduced or dismissed. Many traffic court judges have heard so many stories they tend to be unsympathetic to your story. That’s a good reason to hire an experienced traffic attorney to handle your ticket in Georgia courts.
If I Have Paid The Ticket Already, Is It Too Late To Hire You?
After the ticket is paid, we would have to file a Motion To Open. A Motion to Open requests a reduction of the violation and points. It certainly can be done, however there are no guarantees. It is up to the judge whether or not the ticket can be re-opened. Once brought before the court, the judge and court decide whether or not they would be willing to give a reduction. The time to hire a lawyer to fight a ticket is before you pay the ticket, to keep it off your record. NOT after it is already showing up!
Once you pay the ticket, it will automatically be reported to the Georgia DMV and it will be more difficult to get the ticket reduced or taken off your record. The best time to hire a Georgia Traffic lawyer to fight the ticket is before the fine payment is due or the court date has passed. If you choose to ignore the fine payment and don’t show up in court, you will be in Failure to Appear status.
Many drivers will reach out to us after receiving a Super Speeder notification letter in the mail. The Georgia DDS sends this letter and requests an extra $200 fine. It is too late to make the Super Speeder “disappear” because they have already issued it.
If I Take A Defensive Driving Class Will That Help Me With My Georgia Ticket?
Lawyers advise to take a defensive driving class if you are speeding at an excessively high speed (21+ mph over the limit). We may also advise a class if you have had multiple moving traffic violations of any kind within a short period of time. It certainly could affect your ticket resolution in a positive way. In many ticket cases in traffic courts across the state of Georgia and especially when the moving violation in Ga involves a driver under the age of 21, a defensive driving course (in-person NOT online and at least 4 hours long) will be part of the resolution from the judge/court. Read more about defensive driving school in our blog.
How Long Do Points Stay On My Driving Record?
The amount of time that points stay on your driving record is different from state to state. In Georgia, points stay on your driving record for 2 years or 24 months. Many drivers forget how many points they have accumulated. Order a driving history report to see how many total points are on your record.The points “recycle” over a set period of time, the violation on your record itself does not recycle or go away in Georgia. To find out how long points stay on your driving record in your state, we have prepared a list of states, but its always best to check with the DDS/DMV in your state to confirm any and all information if you are concerned about points you’ve accumulated.
How Many Points Will I Get For a GA Moving Traffic Violation?
Please visit our Georgia Traffic Codes, Violations and points post for more information on specific violations.. This list includes the majority of violations but may be missing your particular violation. Please call our office at 404-315-9936 if you need help regarding a specific violation and the associated points.
Do I Need an Attorney?
While not legally required for minor offenses, hiring an experienced traffic attorney in Georgia can often lead to better outcomes. Attorneys can negotiate a reduction of the violation and points and sometimes, dismissal. Call our Georgia traffic ticket defense lawyers at 404-315-9936, 24/7, for a free consultation or complete our online form.